Frequently Asked Questions

The Villa

Where can I find the directions to the Villa?

On the location page of the website, you can find travel information with details on location and directions.

What are the Check-in times and Check-out times?

Check-in : 14.00 hrs / Check-out : 11.00 hrs

Where can I find the contact details of the hotel?

You can find the address on the website footer. The contact details will be given, after you have made the reservation, in the confirmation email.

Which languages are spoken at Reception?

English / සිංහල / தமிழ்

Do you provide Internet connection?

Yes – Free wife in room & public areas

Which is the nearest airport?

Mattala Rajapaksa Hambantota Airport : Get Directions

Which is the nearest train station?

Haputale : Get Directions

What time is breakfast served?

06.30 am – 10.30 am

Do you have rooms that have services for those with disabilities?


Are there car parking spaces or a car park?

Car park

Are pets allowed to stay at the Villa?


Do children stay for free?

Add up to 4 stays free (no extra bed). Age 5- 11 child rate. 12 and above adult rate

Do you have a restaurant?


Can I rent a car at the Villa or nearby?


What do I do when I have a question about the room or Villa?

We advise you to visit our site at or contact the hotel via email :


How do I make a reservation?

You can click on the “Book Your Stay” link on the website header or Book Now links on the website. furthermore, you can send us an inquiry through our website Contact Us page

How do I modify a reservation that is already confirmed?

It is very simple: all you need to do is connect to the website where you made your reservation and you will be able to change your booking there.

How can I cancel or change my booking?

You can cancel your reservation or send us a request for a modification by clicking on the link at the bottom of your confirmation email.

How do I know that my booking has been cancelled?

After you have canceled your reservation, you will receive an email to confirm your cancellation. If you do not receive the cancellation email, please send an email with the details of your reservation to

Can I book a hotel room by telephone or email?

Yes. You may call the hotel reservations on +94 77 599 5999 or email

I have booked a hotel, but I did not receive a confirmation by email. What do I have to do?

The most common reason for not getting a confirmation email is typing your email address incorrectly. Therefore, please double check your email address before finalizing your reservation. Also, we have noticed that in some cases our confirmation email may end up in your “spam folder”. If you do not receive an email after you have made a booking, please send an email with your booking number and details to

How many rooms can I book in one reservation?

A maximum of 5 rooms can be booked in any one reservation, if available

Can I generally request an extra bed for a third person in a double room and at what costs?

It will depend on the availability of the selected room for the requested dates. On the booking page, by clicking on the room name, you will access the room description. If the possibility and the costs of an extra bed in the room are not specified in the room description, please send an e-mail to

How can I request an early check-in or late check-out time?

Yes. You may call the hotel reservations on +94 77 599 5999 or email

Can I book a Villa for day use?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to book a hotel for day use. The minimum that can be booked through our website is one night.

Is breakfast included in the price?

Once you have retrieved the availability for a specific basis for the requested dates, by clicking on the room name, you will find information about breakfast, taxes and room facilities.


What methods of payment are possible?

You can always pay your hotel bill by any other method accepted by the Villa: either in cash (LKR), or by credit card. Travelers’ Cheques not accepted. Your change will be given to you in LKR.

Why do you need my credit card details?

A 50% advance payment will be charged as a guarantee. In the event of a “no-show” charge (generally the equivalent to one-night stay) by the hotel. Advance payments are non-refundable.

Will I receive written confirmation from you?

When you have completed the four steps of the reservation process, an instant on-screen confirmation will appear. It will show your reservation details as well as your booking number. We advise you to print it out. Within a couple of minutes, you will receive a confirmation email containing more information such as the hotel’s contact details.

Will my credit card be debited before I arrive at the Villa?

No, it will not be used, because, on the day you arrive (check-in), you will make payment by card or in cash. Your card can only be debited if your booking has not been canceled (no-show), as stipulated in the cancellation conditions.

When do I need to pay for the accommodation?

On the day you arrive (check-in), you will make payment by card or in cash.

Which cards are accepted?

We accept: VISA, Master , AMEX

I do not have a credit card. Can I still book a room?

Yes. You can do a bank transfer please contact reservations for bank account details

Do you retain my credit card number after I depart?

No. That is why this information will always be asked for all subsequent new reservations.

Will my personal details be passed on to any third parties or outside bodies?

No. Only our booking department and accounts service are likely to contact you after your stay, if necessary. We undertake not to pass on any details relating to you.

What are your conditions for cancellations?

Any reservation must be cancelled at least 24 hours (1 day) before the scheduled arrival date. If you do not cancel (no-show) or if you cancel late, the hotel reserves the right to debit the customer’s credit card for the cost of the first night’s stay. Cancellations must be sent to us in writing (e-mail, fax, letter).

Are service and taxes included?

Once you have retrieved the availability for a specific room type for the requested dates, by clicking on the room name, you will find information about breakfast, taxes and room facilities.